College Life
Attending a Girton Summer Programme gives students from around the world the incredible opportunity to experience living, studying and socialising in a Cambridge College.
Students will live in Cambridge student accommodation on the main Girton College site. All rooms are single occupancy study bedrooms with shared bathroom facilities.
Eating together is an important part of Cambridge College life. Students will therefore receive swipe cards to have meals in College, with sufficient credit for approximately two meals per day. This partial meal plan works well as we know that students appreciate the flexibility to explore the many wonderful cafes, restaurants and pubs around Cambridge. The swipe cards can be used in the College’s excellent cafeteria and in the Social Hub. In the cafeteria there is a wide choice of food available, including hot and cold meals, a salad bar, sandwiches, and delicious puddings. The Social Hub offers a more relaxed space where students are able to enjoy hot or cold drinks, and lighter snacks.
Formal Halls
Students will attend two Formal Halls during the summer programme. Formal Halls are a Cambridge tradition going back centuries and these three-course meals, served in Girton’s splendid dining hall and preceded by drinks, are particularly special and memorable occasions.
Afternoon Tea
During the programme students will experience a traditional English Afternoon Tea, with sandwiches, cakes, scones and jam, and tea and coffee.
College Facilities
Students will have access to all the usual College facilities, including the bar, indoor swimming pool, cardio gym, library, and chapel, and are also free to explore the woodland, orchard, gardens, lawns and sports fields.
Apply for Summer 2025
Applications for 2025 are open. Click the button below to find out how to apply.
How to apply
Girton stories
Jing Wen, Singapore
Girton Summer Programmes
Squirrels climbing, rabbits hopping, studying in an apple orchard, laughing with new friends! My summer in Girton was a once in a lifetime experience.