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Financial Support

For current Postgraduates

Once you arrive at Girton, there are various ways that the University of Cambridge and Girton College can help to support you with the costs of student life, especially if you are from lower household income families or have additional needs.

All Girton students are allocated a Tutor and, together with the Financial Welfare Officer, they can help you find the support that you need. 

We recommend that you identify how much it will cost you to study at Cambridge including fees and living costs. Here is a University guide to these costs, as well as a link to information about the College bill

You can also look into additional University funding opportunities via this Postgraduate Funding Search tool. Students are expected to have organised their main sources of funding before starting their programme. The College does offer modest support for prospective Postgraduates students - information is here. It is applied for through the Graduate Application form and not by separate application to the College.  The deadline for most of these scholarships is the beginning of January before the October start of course.  

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