Governance Structure and Administration
Decision-making at Girton is through a range of consultative forums and bodies. The remits of these are reviewed regularly.
At the senior level, the College consists of a Fellowship, comprising both teaching and research Fellows, and the Head of House, who is called the Mistress. The College is an integrated, self-governing community. The well-being of its students is a matter of general concern and the College prides itself on providing a progressive and supportive environment for study.
The College functions under its own Statutes and Ordinances. It has a Governing Body, and an executive Council of eighteen members is responsible for the day-to-day business of the College. The Mistress, Vice-Mistress, Bursar and Senior Tutor are ex-officio members of Council; other members are elected – nine fellows, three undergraduate members and two postgraduate members.
College policies and procedures
All the relevant information you should adhere to at Girton College.
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