Rev'd Dr Tim Boniface
Fellow, College Officer
Girton has a small but lively group of students studying Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion. The Director of Studies, Dr Hilary Marlow, is a Hebrew Bible scholar with a wide range of other interests, including environmental ethics, inter-faith dialogue and the science and religion debate. Additional assistance is offered by the Chaplain, whose interests lie in Christian theology. The degree course is broad and diverse and Girton students have been very successful in their studies, resulting from the College ethos of a relaxed atmosphere with academic rigour.
The degree in Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion is flexible, allowing students to pursue their particular interests even from the first year. One scriptural language (Hebrew, Greek, Arabic or Sanskrit) and one biblical paper must be taken in the first year, and other options can be chosen from Biblical Studies, Theology, Philosophy and Ethics, Sociology of Religion, and World Religions. Similar topics can be chosen in second and third years, but each year introducing further specialisms and allowing the option to focus on one or more areas. For those wishing to explore a topic in more depth, the option of a dissertation is available in the final year.
In the Faculty, postgraduates may study for an MPhil or PhD, and Girton has students from the Faculty of Divinity taking both degrees. The Director of Studies is also a supervisor in biblical studies for both these degrees.
Research and postgraduate students are admitted to the University by the Board of Graduate Studies. You must therefore apply centrally and not to the College, however you must be admitted to a College to be able to study at the University. To ensure that this is Girton you need to indicate this on your application form.
Students have moved on to a range of careers. Some have gone on to further studies both here and elsewhere, but most have entered other types of employment, including teaching, banking, charity work, journalism, and even working as a submariner