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Mr James Anderson

College position(s)

College Officer, Fellow

James is the College Bursar.

After obtaining a First Class Honours degree in Classics at Magdalen College, Oxford, and a brief spell as a teacher of Latin and Greek, James embarked on a twenty-two year career in investment banking, starting at J Henry Schroder and later working at Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, and PricewaterhouseCoopers, where he was a Partner. In his various roles James specialised in providing strategic advice to boards on raising money on the London Stock Exchange, and in managing their relationships with their institutional shareholders, as well as advising more broadly on strategic financial planning.

As Bursar, James has overall responsibility for the financial management of the College and has a key role in the College’s broader strategic planning. He works closely with the Junior Bursar and Senior Tutor in leading several aspects of the operational management of the College, including overseeing budgeting, strategic and personnel matters, and is responsible for overall management of the College’s estate, working closely with the College Surveyor. He sits on the Bursars’ Committee of the University and liaises with other colleges, and the University, on a wide variety of financial, strategic and operational matters.

James continues to pursue his interest in Classics in his spare time, and is also a keen supporter of Girton’s musical tradition. He may often be spotted around College accompanied by Crackers the pug, whose bed is now a fixture of the Bursar’s Office.