College position(s)
Bye-Fellow, Director of Studies
Specialising in
College position(s)
Bye-Fellow, Director of Studies
Specialising in
Degrees, Awards and Prizes
MA, MB BChir, MRCP (Paeds), MD, FRCPCH
Research Themes
I work as a Consultant Community Paediatrician within Cambridgeshire and at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge. I undertake neurodevelopmental assessments of children and have a specialist interest in epilepsy in children and neurodisability. My main research has been in the field of paediatric epilepsy and my MD focused on the prevalence, causes, associated impairments and lived experience of children with epilepsy in Tanzania. My research described the treatment gap and attitudes towards epilepsy and its management. I have participated in research around cerebral palsy and early intervention for children who have suffered from early adverse events. My current work is exploring mental health difficulties and providing interventions for children in UK with epilepsy alongside my clinical commitments.
I am Clinical Director of Studies for the medical students and provide support and advice around progressing through clinical training and career guidance. I support the Preparing for Patients course and am an Affiliated Assistant Professor for Univerisy of Cambridge within the Department of Paediatrics providing teaching for medical students.
Roles within the University