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Dr James Wade

College position(s)

Director of Studies, Fellow



Jane Elizabeth Martin Official Fellow

Degrees, Awards and Prizes


Research themes

I work on English literature, especially folklore, folksongs, popular writings, ritual, and orality, from the Middle Ages forward. I also write on medieval manuscripts and early prints, and maintain interests in cultural history, Arthurian Literature, the supernatural, Chaucer, the Gawain-Poet, and Malory.


I teach the literature of the Middle Ages. This includes the ‘Early Medieval’ (1066-1350) and ‘Late Medieval’ (1300-1550) papers in Part I, and papers on ‘Chaucer’ and the ‘Medieval Supernatural’ in Part II, along with the medieval elements of the ‘Tragedy’ and ‘Lyric’ papers. I also teach the Part I Shakespeare paper, and ‘Practical Criticism and Critical Practice’ across all three years of the undergraduate course.

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