College position(s)
College position(s)
Degrees, Awards and Prizes
BA, M.Phil, PhD
Research Themes
My research interests centre upon rhyme, rhythm, aesthetic experience, the relationship between poetry and song, and that between lyric and narrative. The outlet for these interests is often creative: I’m the author of the poetry collections Several Deer (Carcanet, 2016) and The Culture of My Stuff (Carcanet, 2020), and collaborated with Dr Carol Adlam and Dr James Wade on Girton Time (Beam Editions, 2023).
I teach classes on Practical Criticism and Critical Practice, with a focus on poetic form. And I supervise undergraduate dissertations on 19th–21st century poetry, Irish literature and genre fiction.
In 2005 I was in the first group of undergraduates to run the College poetry group, which I continue to attend, trying not to think about the fact that I’ve been doing so for longer than some current members have been alive. I’m closely involved with the Jane Martin Poetry Prize and the Ridding Reading Prize.