Whilst our guests will certainly remember the evening for years to come, the Girton Spring Ball 2018 Committee has endeavoured to create a lasting legacy that will celebrate the sense of community and solidarity which is characteristic of our College. Through careful spending, successful negotiations with contractors, and refunds for excess products, the Committee has been able to pledge a five-figure sum to establish the Girton Pioneers Award. This award is designed to support the students of Girton and recognise their contributions to College life, and anyone who is the recipient of a Bursary can apply by demonstrating how their contributions have improved the experience of other Girtonians through participation in student societies, committees, or welfare initiatives.
The Girton Pioneers Award is the first award to be created by students, for students, and will be available every year until the capital in the Spring Ball account is sufficient to fund a full means-tested Bursary for a Girton student, in perpetuity.
“We hope that future Ball Committees and other student societies will contribute to this fund, and that this is the beginning of a tradition of current students investing their time and care to improve the experiences of the next generation to call Girton home.” (Jazz Darby, Girton Spring Ball 2018 President).