I am delighted to share some good news from Girton – and there is lots of it! Congratulations to all Girtonians whose achievements have been recognised with appointments, awards and honours. Below are a few of the most recent announcements. If you have any news to share with the College please email alumni@girton.cam.ac.uk – I would be delighted to hear from you.
Dr Elisabeth Kendall, Mistress
Dr Stephen Oppong Peprah, our ‘Cambridge in Africa’ Bye-Fellow in Classics, has been awarded a Visiting Fellowship by the British Academy. This means that he will remain with us in Cambridge to pursue his project to parse and translate the philosophical dissertations of 18th century African philosopher Anton Amo from Latin into student-friendly English.
Girton undergraduate, Harry Goolnik (3rd Year, Geography), has won a ‘Special Recognition’ award from the Vice-Chancellor for his dedication and tenacity in getting the U-Bus to stop at Girton and Homerton. This new route will greatly improve the transport options for all in the College.
Lady Arden (1965), Honorary Fellow and alumna, has been appointed to the Committee on Standards in Public Life and also to the Yorke Distinguished Visiting Fellowship at the Cambridge Law Faculty.
Dr Suzy Lishman (1986), Honorary Fellow and alumna, has been elected President of the Association of Clinical Pathologists.
Dr Carol Bell (1977), the first female member of the Football Association of Wales where she leads the association’s sustainability strategy, has been named Welsh Non-Executive Director of the Year by the Institute of Directors (IoD) Wales at their Director of the Year Awards for 2023.

Congratulations also to former Girton Research Fellow, Professor Dame Linda Colley, who recently celebrated her DBE for services to History; and to Girton alumna, Professor Elwen Evans (1986), who has been appointed Vice-Chancellor of the University of Wales and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, starting in September.
Dr Sabesan Sithamparanathan, Girton Enterprise Fellow, and CEO and founder of PervasID, has been named in Business Elite’s ‘40 Under 40’ – a programme that identifies outstanding young executives and entrepreneurs. PervasID is a technology company that designs and manufactures world-leading, passive RFID fixed readers systems for automating inventory tracking, stock taking and asset management processes.

No fewer than three of our Fellows and teaching staff were short-listed for this year’s Student-Led Teaching Awards, out of nearly 500 nominees. Congratulations to Maureen Hackett (in the Student Partnership and Empowerment category), who went on to win her category, Dr Claire White (in the Postgraduate Research Supervisor of the Year category) and Dr Eimear Dunne (in the Lecturer of the Year category), who were runners up in their respective categories.
Girton PhD student and CEO and co-founder of Black in Cancer, Sigourney Bonner (2019), has won The Brain Tumour Charity’s Influencer Award 2023.
Professor Lucio Sarno, Professor of Finance at Judge Business School who recently joined Girton as a Professorial Fellow, has been recognised as one of the most prolific authors in top journals in his field over the last 75 years.
Girton undergraduate, Elizabeth Stephenson (5th year, Veterinary Sciences), has won the 2023 Salt Marlowe Poetry Prize, a competition run by Churchill College, for her poem Tatoo of Me.
Girtonians were also recognised in the King’s Birthday Honours List for 2023. Our heartfelt congratulations go to Professor Deborah Swallow, Alan Meyrick, Tania Cohen, and Gail Pirkis. Read more here.