For the first time ever, Girton is effectively closed for the term. Most of our students have left, Fellows are working from home, teaching and learning is mainly online and staff are largely furloughed. Neither past pandemics nor two World Wars have had the same far-reaching effects on College life as coronavirus today.
To capture this unprecedented moment, all members of the Girton Community – students, Fellows, staff and alumni – are invited to submit a paragraph, a photograph or both, to create our lockdown scrapbook.
‘Lockdown’ is that period (from late March in the UK) when anyone who is not a keyworker stayed at home, except for essential journeys, to reduce the effects of coronavirus. What did you do? How did you manage, what changed, were there new opportunities, different ways of working, important take-aways, or is most of it best left behind?
We know that all lives have been touched, and many lost, by this crisis, and it may not be the right time for you to take part in this project. However, if you are willing to share one memorable moment from your work or life during lockdown, please click the link below.
We are interested in every aspect of the way coronavirus has impacted on our Girton community: home working and schooling, being furloughed, online activities, business ventures, family life, friendships, exercise routines and more.
We will make a real and online scrapbook with a selection of submissions, and deposit all materials received into the archive, for future generations.