On 25 January 2025, Girton College remembers Giulio Regeni, a passionate and promising young researcher on the ninth anniversary of his tragic death.
Giulio Regeni was a PhD student at Girton College and the Centre for Development Studies at the University of Cambridge. He was in Cairo to conduct field work for his research at the time of his death. Giulio was an experienced researcher, who had previously undertaken field work in Egypt for his work on legal independent trade unions.
On 25 January 2016, Giulio Regeni was abducted from the streets of Cairo. His body was found a week later on 3 February 2016.
As Giulio’s case remains unresolved, Girton College and the University of Cambridge continue to stand with Giulio’s family and friends and to support Amnesty International, in their tireless efforts to seek justice and uncover the truth of what happened to Giulio in 2016.
Every year, Girton marks this anniversary by flying the College flag at half-mast on 25 January and 3 February in his memory.
The Chapel is always open during the anniversary period so that our community can light candles for Giulio and reflect on the life of this fine scholar, great friend, and passionate advocate for human rights.