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Teaching and Research Fellowships

Where inspiration thrives

Inspirational, small group teaching is what makes Girton, and the University of Cambridge, so special


Teaching and Research Fellowships

Girton’s Fellowship is at the heart of the College. Our world-class educators offer their wisdom, guidance, and nurturance to inspire each student with a passion for learning and the confidence to challenge the accepted norms and status quo. However, the small group teaching, which is the hallmark of a collegiate Cambridge education, is expensive. This is where 1-3 students discuss issues directly with their Director of Studies, which teaches them to think clearly, structure and present their arguments succinctly and passionately.  The income from student fees is capped by the UK Government at £9,250 pa, and does not cover the College’s core teaching expenditure. Your gifts are the only way that we can continue to bridge this gap.

Our alumni and supporters have already contributed generous donations to complete the endowment of twelve named teaching Fellowships during A Great Campaign, most recently the Bertha Jeffreys Fellowship in Applied Mathematics. However, the need to endow more of our teaching Fellowships remains.

These teaching and research Fellowships bring a breadth of world-class experience and enrichment to Girton’s multi-disciplinary teams and strengthen our research-infused teaching. By investing in Fellowships, Girton is able to deliver on its educational purpose, ensure academic excellence and continue to provide a challenging, transformational educational experience for every student which is often life changing.

Fellow Ben Griffin in a supervision

Supporting our Fellow’s research

While the tremendous generosity of our alumni has meant that we have now completed the funding for the endowment of the Juliet Campbell, Bertha Jeffreys and Christine McKie Fellowships, we would like to raise additional funds to enable the holders of these posts to receive more funds to support their research.

The Juliet Campbell Fellowship

Named in recognition of former Mistress, Juliet d’Auvergne Campbell (Mistress 1991-1997), this Fellowship aims to further international research and teaching across a number of several related subjects and courses including Economics; History; Human, Social and Political Sciences; Geography, Medieval and Modern Languages, and Law. The post-holder may specialise in any of these areas and will teach the core undergraduate syllabus in their subject, whilst undertaking research in an area of interest in international relations. Thanks to recent donations, we have completed the funding for the endowment for this Fellowship, and are now looking to raise additional funds to support the Juliet Campbell Fellow's research.

The Bertha Jeffreys Fellowship (in Applied Mathematics)

Named for Lady Jeffreys (Swirles 1921) whose research on quantum theory and seismology, not to mention her annual apple picking parties, inspired generations of Girtonian Mathematicians, this fellowship is in Applied Mathematics. Thanks to recent donations, we have completed the funding for the endowment for this Fellowship, and are now looking to raise additional funds to support the Bertha Jeffreys Fellow's research.

The Christine McKie Fellowship (in Physical Sciences)

Named for Christine McKie (Kelsey, 1949) whose work in mineralogical crystallography inspired generations of Girton Natural Scientists, this fellowship is in Physical Sciences.  Thanks to recent donations, we have completed the funding for the endowment for this Fellowship, and are now looking to raise additional funds to support the Christine McKie Fellow's research.

Girton stories

Dr Ben Griffin

Official Fellow and Director of Studies in History

One of our History students once described Girton as ‘a safe place to be intellectually daring.’ That is precisely the environment that the History Fellows are committed to providing: a supportive, intellectually stimulating environment where we go the extra mile to ensure that everyone can fulfil their academic potential. The endowment of a History Fellowship at Girton has been transformative.

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