Everyone – from whatever faith or tradition – is welcome in the Chapel for meditation, prayer or reflection, or simply to enjoy the quiet space. There are also regular services in term time, featuring the College Choir and often guest speakers.
As well as a place where services of Christian worship take place, the Chapel is a space for everyone in the College community – of all faiths or none – for quiet reflection, prayer or meditation. There are sometimes musical rehearsals in the Chapel, but it is mostly free and peaceful. Please do make use of this beautiful space whenever you like. Girton also has a multi-faith prayer and meditation room, available for use by any College member at any time.

Chapel Services
Services in the Chapel are mostly in the Anglican Christian tradition, and are for anybody who wants to come, whether you go to Church regularly or not. You don’t have to be religious to come to our services. The main service each week is Sunday Choral Evensong at 5:30pm, and there is usually a service of Compline (Night Prayer) on a Tuesday evening. We also have services for special occasions and festivals.
The Chapel community fosters a welcoming and inclusive culture, and the services – usually including beautiful music from the College Choir – can provide a welcome stability amongst the busyness of College life.
Like most Colleges in Cambridge, Girton College has a weekly Choral evensong in term time, and anyone – from Girton or visiting – is welcome to attend the services. Choral evensong begins at 5:30pm and lasts about an hour, and along with wonderful music from the Choir features a short sermon from the Chaplain or a guest speaker. The service follows the traditional order of the Book of Common Prayer from 1662.
Details of all services in term can be found in the term card.
Choral Compline takes place on Tuesday evenings by candlelight – a refreshing way to relax and enter some rest after a busy day. Compline is sung either by the whole choir or small groups of musicians. Compline is an ancient monastic service dating back to maybe as early as the fourth century. It is an incredibly beautiful service which many people find they grow to love and value deeply as part of their week.
Details of all services in term can be found in the term card.
A beautiful reflective sung evening service from the Roman Catholic tradition - take place on some Fridays.
Details of all services in term can be found in the term card.
There are occasional extra services of Holy Communion led by the Chaplain, often late in the evening. Regularity varies from term to term.
Details of these can be found in the term card.
The Chapel also marks a number of occasions and festivals throughout the year and attracts a variety of interesting and distinguished visiting preachers. Details of all the services are on the Term Card, which you can access below.
Chapel Community
The Chaplain
Rev’d Dr Tim Boniface is the College Chaplain. As well as overseeing the life of the Chapel and leading the worship, Tim is part of Girton’s welfare structure and is available to all members of the College for confidential conversation on any matter of concern. Tim is a priest in the Church of England, but you do not have to have a religious question to talk to the Chaplain! He is happy to meet to discuss whatever might be troubling or puzzling you, and to help you get the best support where you are.
Tim works part-time, but is around College regularly and always happy to make time to see anyone who gets in touch.
You should also contact the Chaplain if you are considering requesting a wedding in Girton Chapel.
Email the Chaplain on chaplain@girton.cam.ac.uk
Groups or individuals wishing to use Chapel should contact the Chaplain. For information about the Prayer and meditation room, please contact the Porter’s Lodge or email prayerroom@girton.cam.ac.uk.
The Director of Chapel Music
Dr Gareth Wilson, oversees the musical life of the Chapel and runs the College Choir.
Find out more about College Choir via their webpages.
Other members
- The Chapel Wardens assist the Chaplain in all practical matters relating to Chapel.
- The Chapel Committee meets termly to discuss all issues relating to Chapel life. If you would like to raise anything, please contact the Chaplain in the first instance, or the Chair, Dr Hilary Marlow.
History of the Chapel
In 1902, the Chapel building itself was added to the College, fulfilling a particular wish of the founder Emily Davies. It provides a beautiful setting for worship but also a quiet space for meditation and reflection. Girton Chapel was dedicated as an ecumenical Chapel, meaning it is not consecrated in any particular Christian denomination.
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